Column Guard/ Upright Protector

These are mounted around the base of rack uprights to shield them from potential collisions. Column protectors are typically made of heavy-duty steel or impact-resistant materials.

H300mm / H400mm 

Color: Orange / Yellow

Barrier/Frame Protector

Barriers/Frame protectors are designed to absorb and dissipate the force of an impact, minimizing damage to both the barrier itself and the colliding object like forklifts.They are horizontal bars installed across the front or rear of the rack system to create a protective barrier that absorbs impacts and prevents damage to the rack frames.

H500/H800mm / H900mm

Color: Orange / Yellow

Pallet Support Bars

Pallet support bars, also known as pallet support beams or pallet supports, are components used in pallet racking systems to provide additional support and stability to palletized loads. They are horizontal beams that run between the front and rear beams of the pallet rack, creating a platform on which pallets rest.

Guide rails

Guide rails refer to physical structures or components that are designed to guide and control the movement of materials or equipment. They are commonly used to ensure safe and efficient operations within the warehouse facility, especially in areas where there are automated systems, forklifts, or conveyor belts in use.In certain areas of a warehouse, guide rails may be installed along the floor to indicate designated paths for forklifts to follow, helping to prevent accidents and control traffic flow.These are installed along picking aisles to assist order pickers in navigating through the warehouse efficiently. Guide rails can indicate the most optimized path to follow during the picking process.In high-traffic areas or places where pedestrian safety is a concern, guide rails may be installed as barriers to separate foot traffic from material handling equipment.

Pallet Back Stopper

A pallet back stopper, also known as a pallet backstop or pallet stop, is a safety device used in pallet rack systems to prevent pallets from being pushed too far into the rack or from falling off the back of the rack. It is installed at the rear of the pallet rack beam level and acts as a physical barrier to secure the pallets in place.

Row Spacer

Row spacer or aisle spacer, is a component used in pallet rack systems to maintain consistent spacing between adjacent rows of racking. This is done to ensure that the two frames act together to increase the stability. These spacers help create organized and uniform aisle widths, ensuring safe and efficient movement of material handling equipment and personnel within the warehouse.

Wire Mesh Decking Panels

Wire mesh decking panels, also known as wire decking, are specialized shelving surfaces made of welded steel wire arranged in a grid pattern. The mesh grid can come in various configurations, including square or rectangular openings. They are designed to be placed on the horizontal load-bearing beams of pallet racks to create a secure platform for storing palletized goods, boxes, and other items. Wire mesh decking is a popular choice for industrial storage and warehouse facilities due to its numerous advantages over solid decking options. Benefits & Uses of Wire mesh decking panels are as follows:- 

  • Improved Visibility: The open design of wire mesh decking allows for better visibility, making it easier to see and access stored items.
  • Fire Safety: In case of a fire, wire mesh decking allows sprinkler water to flow through the shelves, aiding in fire suppression.
  • Air Circulation: The open mesh design facilitates better air circulation, reducing the potential for dust accumulation and maintaining a cleaner storage area.


Bollards are sturdy vertical posts installed at the ends of rack rows or at the corners of aisles to protect against accidental collisions from forklifts or other vehicles.When placed strategically near the ends of pallet racks or storage shelves, bollards protect these valuable assets from damage by forklifts or other heavy equipment.

Bollards are commonly used in warehouses to enhance safety, protect infrastructure, and manage traffic. Bollards can be placed at pedestrian walkways and crossings to protect employees and visitors from forklifts, pallet jacks, or other moving equipment. They serve as a visual and physical barrier to prevent accidental collisions.Bollards are often used to control the flow of vehicular traffic within the warehouse. They can be positioned to create designated driving lanes and prevent unauthorized vehicles from entering restricted areas.

Back/Rear Mesh Panel

These panels are attached to the back/rear of the Racking/Shelving system to prevent items from falling off and to act as a barrier between the stored goods and the workspace.It is a panel made of solid metal panels or wire mesh panels that is mounted on the rear side of the rack or cabinet, covering the back opening.

End/Side Mesh Panels

End/side mesh panels used in racking systems are solid metal panels or wire mesh panels specifically designed to enclose the sides and ends of industrial racking units, such as pallet racks or shelving systems. They are a common feature in warehouse and storage facilities to enhance safety, organization, and protection of stored items.

Solid Decking Panel

Solid Decking Panel provides a continuous smooth and flat surface which is ideal for small parts or containers with legs. The metal construction is far superior to wood decks. It offers heavy capacity and is non-flammable for fire protection. Solid Decking Panel is constructed of heavy gauge metal and has boxed corners which makes it rigid.

Top tie

Top tie, also known as a Overhead bracing or top connector, is a horizontal beam or bracing component that connects the top of two adjacent upright frames of a pallet rack.The ties are connected to the upright by nuts & bolts. A top tie is used to increase the overall stability of the racks.

Back Bracing

Warehouse back bracing, refers to a set of diagonal braces or beams that are installed between the rear uprights of adjacent pallet rack frames. These bracing components run diagonally from the top rear corner of one upright to the bottom rear corner of the adjacent upright, forming an “X” shape on the back of the rack.


In a warehouse setting, chutes are used to facilitate the movement of goods, materials, or products from one level to another or from a higher elevation to a lower one. They help streamline the workflow, increase efficiency, and reduce manual handling, thereby minimizing the risk of injuries and improving productivity.

  • Gravity Chutes: These are simple, sloped channels or slides designed to allow items to slide down due to the force of gravity. They are used to transport items from an elevated platform or conveyor to a lower level, such as from an upper floor to the ground level or from a mezzanine to the main floor.
  • Trash Chutes: In waste management systems, trash chutes are used to dispose of waste materials efficiently. They are typically installed vertically through multiple floors, allowing workers to drop garbage into designated bins or containers at each level.
  • Package Chutes: These chutes are specifically designed for handling packages or cartons. They allow packages to move smoothly and safely from one level to another, often connecting conveyor lines or different processing areas within the warehouse.
  • Spiral Chutes: Spiral chutes are used for gentle handling and controlled descent of items. They are typically used when space is limited, and a compact vertical transportation method is required.
  • Spiral Gravity Chutes: These chutes combine the benefits of spiral chutes with the functionality of gravity chutes, offering an efficient way to move items between different levels while utilizing a spiral design.
  • Slide Chutes: Slide chutes are commonly used in warehouses to sort and direct items to specific locations. They can be equipped with gates or diverter mechanisms to control the flow of items.
  • Ball Transfer Chutes: Ball transfer chutes use ball-bearing rollers or spheres to facilitate the smooth movement of items in multiple directions. They are ideal for applications where packages need to change direction easily.

Shelf Dividers

Shelf dividers are a common organizational tool used in warehouses to improve storage efficiency and organization. They are physical barriers or separators inserted vertically between items on a shelf or rack. The main purpose of shelf dividers is to create distinct compartments on the same shelf, allowing for better segmentation and arrangement of products or items.